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Groups B and C Training Package

This training has been designed for managers, safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act leads within organisations to deliver to their staff teams as a face to face taught session.  The training comes as a PowerPoint package complete with speaker notes to offer prompts to the trainer around the delivery and content of the training.  It is expected that individuals requesting this package have a working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and are able to deal with practice issues and disclosures should they arise within the session.

The training package covers the following competence areas:

  • To obtain a working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act.
  • Understanding Consent
  • To understand the process of completing a capacity assessment.
  • To understand process of assessing best interest.
  • To have awareness of decision making authorities, advance decisions and criminal offences.
  • Deprivation of Liberty safeguards within MCA

The training package remains free of charge and those requesting the package would be expected to complete a review within a 12 month period.  The package must remain free of charge to all participants and no fees may be charged by the agency delivering the package.

You can request a copy of the training package by emailing the Joint Partnership Business Unit: LSBU@lancashire.gov.uk