Worried About An Adult? Telephone:
0300 123 6720 or between 5pm - 8am on 0300 123 6722

Board Structure

In Autumn 2022, Safeguarding Partners commenced with a review of the Pan-Lancashire Children's and Adults safeguarding governance arrangements with the aim of improving the governance and front-line practice of local arrangements.  As a result, the adult safeguarding Sub Groups changed to support a place-based model, which will have a greater focus on accountability and decision making at a local level.

The shift to place-based arrangements reflects a recognition of the unique needs and dynamics present in distinct geographical areas. By tailoring multi-agency safeguarding governance to specific localities, the aim is to enhance responsiveness and effectiveness in addressing the intricacies of safeguarding challenges within each area. This transition underscores a commitment to a more nuanced and contextually sensitive governance model, fostering a collaborative and targeted approach to safeguarding within individual communities.

From 01.01.2024 each new Safeguarding Partnership has reviewed their priorities to develop the governance structure and have developed their local strategy and workplans.  Each partnership remains committed to maintaining and sharing learning on a Pan-Lancashire footprint and will continue to collaborate and work together as required.

Below is the governance structure of the LSAB and its subgroups.  Further information and Terms of Reference of for the Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board can be accessed here